Motorbikes are exceptionally popular around the country, as they are a lot of fun, and they have the added benefit of being fuel-efficient too. If you are a new motorbike rider, you will no doubt be excited about getting on the road and enjoying your new toy. However, it is really important to make safety your main priority. It may sound boring, but you will thank yourself in the long run, as you will be able to ensure you get plenty of enjoyment out of your motorbike for years and years to come. So, here are some safety tips that all new riders should follow:
Hone your skills – Yes, you may be able to ride
a motorbike, but there is nothing wrong with honing your skills is there? It is a good idea to locate a Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) riding course near to you. You will learn a lot of advanced techniques during these courses that you otherwise wouldn’t. For example, you will learn how to perform evasive emergency manoeuvres.
Invest in anti lock brakes – This is a must have feature for anyone that is safety conscious! Anti lock brakes are available on a huge selection of motorcycles today, and they are proven to save lives. In fact, data suggests that you are 37% less likely to be involved in a fatal crash if you ride a bike that has anti lock brakes.
Don’t purchase a bike that is difficult for you to handle – This is one of the biggest mistakes that new riders make. While it can be very tempting to dive right in and opt for a beast of a model, you should save this for later. You need to start with a bike that fits you. The controls and handlebars should be in easy reach, and you should be able to rest both feet comfortably on the ground. Also, models today are noticeably faster and more powerful than ever before, so choose a model that is good for a beginner.
Brush on your compensation knowledge – Unfortunately, motorbike riders are some of the most vulnerable people on the road. Therefore, no matter how careful you are, there is always the possibility that an accident could occur. After all, you can’t control how other people drive or behave on the road. Because of this, it is a good idea to brush up on your compensation knowledge so that you are prepared should an accident occur that was not your fault. There are companies like Gruber Law that will be able to assist you if you do find yourself needing to make a claim, but it does not hurt to know how to act should such a scenario arise. You will be able to ensure that you don’t do anything that jeopardizes your chances of compensation.
All in all, while getting your motorbike license can be an exciting time, it is important to make sure that safety is always your number one priority. After all, things can quickly turn sour if you end up involved in a crash and injure yourself. Take note of the tips provided above so that you can enjoy your time on the roads on your new motorbike.