How often have you heard the news of some sort of terrible car accident online, on your TV, or even in the newspaper?

Nowadays, chances are that you’ve come across such stories a few times in recent years, as car accident statistics are only rising by the day. People don’t just get hurt in these accidents—but they also run the risk of losing their lives either directly or indirectly because of them. On top of it all, these kinds of accidents can also cause significant property damage.
Are you someone who likes to drive because of how relaxing or thrilling it is, but the thought of a car accident really troubles you and tends to keep you away from the road more than you’d like? You’d be surprised to know that a lot of people out there think exactly the way you do here.
Because of this, it’s important to know why car accidents happen so we can help try to prevent them from happening in the first place. Keep reading to learn more about some of the most common causes of car accidents and what you can do to avoid them.
Distracted Driving or Going Too Fast
Driving is a dedicated task that needs your complete attention. Because of this, you can’t multitask when you’re in charge of the steering wheel; your eyes have to be completely on the road at all times.
Unfortunately, many of us often get distracted because of our phones, which can take attention away from driving. If you text, call, or check your social media while you drive, you should know that it’s never safe, no matter how good of a drive you may think you are. Your Instagram feed or that phone call can wait a little bit, because nothing is more important than your life and the lives of other motorists.
You could also end up in a car accident when you suddenly speed up without reason. When you drive too fast, you can lose control of your car more easily. Therefore, don’t try to be cool on the road and speed because nobody will be impressed by that, and you’ll only be placing yourself and others in harm’s way.
If you care about your safety and the safety of others, follow the speed limit and stick to it at all times.
Impaired Driving or Reckless Driving
Doing absolutely anything with heavy machinery under the influence of drugs and alcohol is bad, but it’s far worse when you’re on the road because you could easily die or kill someone in the process.
Alcohol can actually make your brain function at a slower pace, which will make it more difficult for you to drive. Therefore, it’s better to not drink or use drugs if you’re going to drive. And, in case you do get drunk or are under the influence, just use a cab or rideshare service like Uber. Drugs and alcohol can be fun when used appropriately, but when you’re on the road, they can put your life and the lives of others at risk.
Car accidents can also happen because of reckless driving, since, in many instances, drivers can act really careless on the road. Plenty of people tailgate, cut in front of others, and drive like they’re in a hurry, which can all lead to accidents. Therefore, avoid driving recklessly and maintain your distance and awareness with other drivers on the road.
Bad Weather Conditions
Bad weather, like rain, snow, or fog, can make it tough to control a car when on the road. It’s ultimately harder to see, and the road can also get really slippery throughout. Plus, some people don’t care actively about the safety of others and will still speed up or not use their lights when the weather is bad.
When you’re on the road, and the weather is bad, just be careful and slow down to make it easier for you to drive and react. You can use headlights and windshield wipers during inclement weather to help you see better, and if the weather’s too bad, consider just staying home. After all, it’s better to be safe than sorry, right?
Fatigue and Drowsy Driving
As mentioned previously, you’re going to need your complete attention when driving on any roadway. Fatigue and drowsy driving-related accidents mostly happen on longer drives because when a driver is tired, they don’t react to things as quickly, and their judgment may become impaired. If you don’t get proper sleep, you might also accidentally close your eyes while driving, which can be extremely risky and dangerous.
To ensure something like that doesn’t happen, it’s super important to get enough rest before driving, especially before those longer drives. If you have a plan for a long trip, you need to take regular periodic breaks and not drive for extended periods, especially if it’s late at night since the dark will only exacerbate these issues.
Be Smart and Avoid Car Accidents
When you know the reasons behind car accidents, it can be much easier for you to avoid them. While you can’t always control the actions of other drivers on the road, you can control how you drive and react to potentially dangerous situations.
With the tips and advice outlined above in mind, you’ll be much better equipped to avoid common car accidents that you may encounter.